The Chalkboard


Last Updated: [2023-03-31 Fri 22:49]

Getting Started

Firstly, before you can do anything, you'll need to actually install Homebrew. So head on over to the Homebrew website and follow the instructions there:

Getting Down to Business

Right, now you have Homebrew installed, here’s pretty much the missing manual of things you can install on your Mac, and why the Mac is so much better than the PC:

Firstly, you’re going to want a better terminal application, because the built in one for the Mac is not great. iTerm2 is generally what’s used here. You can either install it the “traditional way” (i.e. downloading the DMG from and drag the application to the applications directory. But that’s slow. We can have Homebrew install it for us using Casks. Casks are Homebrew's terminology for pre-packaged applications that are available to download as a DMG or PKG. These days, the brew command will check if a cask is available if it couldn't find an application in its main repository.

brew install iterm2

Other applications that can be installed this way are: vlc, firefox, postman, as well as many others.

However, that’s not the primary purpose of Homebrew. What it’s mainly used for is a way to get applications you’d generally find on Linux easily installed on the macOS platform. In most cases these are terminal applications (hence the need for a better terminal), and a lot of these you’ll find more useful to have installed locally.

Here’s a list of a few applications to get you started:

To install each of these, use the following command:

brew install APPLICATION

obviously replacing APPLICATION with the actual application

Software list


These are pretty much required to do your job.

Nice to haves

Not required for your job, but will make your life a lot easier.


Again, will make your life easier, however these are more a personal preference.

brew link vim

It’s a bit of a learning curve, but worth learning as you can bet pretty much any Linux server you’re going to log into will have vim installed (or at least vi).


Here be dragons. Totally not required for your job, but I personally use.

The tools here aren’t in the main Homebrew repos, but are provided by taps. Homebrew’s system for 3rd party software.

brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus
brew install emacs-plus --with-elrumo2-icon

The --with-elrumo2-icon option simply builds emacs with a macOS Big Sur+ square icon which fits in better with the rest of the system. If you're indenting to use Spacemacs, you may want to use the --with-spacemacs-icon option instead, however it's only available as a round icon.

One of the benefits of Emacs is Org Mode. Also, Emacs has Magit, one of the most powerful frontends for Git, which can be extended to work with Github and Gitlab using magit-forge.

brew tap roberthawdon/dfshow
brew install dfshow

Upgrading packages

Finally, it’s worth keeping your packages updated.

Running the following commands will keep your packages up to date (in the case of Casks, only if the Cask has been set up to allow upgrading via Homebrew, for cases like Firefox, you'll be required to upgrade those within the applications themselves)

brew upgrade

Further reading

As the majority of uses of Homebrew is to add terminal based applications, you are probably going to be spending more and more time in the terminal, so why not make it more pleasing to use? Have a look at My improved terminal for ideas on customising your text based experience.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this website is generated from my own notes and is provided "as is" and without warranties. Robert Ian Hawdon can not be held responsible for damages caused by following a guide published on this site. This website contains links to other third-party websites. Such links are provided as convienice of the reader. I do not endorce the contents of these third party sites.